Workplace Assistive Technology (WAT)

Telephone assessment

WORKPLACE ASSESSMENTS FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED (WAVI)Specialist workplace assessments for individuals with visual impairments, to identify potential risks and challenges and provide solutions.SPECIAL WORKPLACE ASSESSMENTS FOR HEARING IMPAIRED (WAHI)Specialist workplace assessments for individuals with hearing impairments, to identify potential risks and challenges and provide solutions.WORKPLACE ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY (WAT)Specialist service providing assessment, software, equipment, training and coaching […]

Functional Restoration Programme (FRP) and Condition Management Programme (CMP)


A tailored programme designed to support individuals with long-term health conditions and disabilities, aiming to support and enable them to effectively manage their health, minimising the impact of their condition and enabling optimal independence and wellbeing, including a sustainable retention/return to work. The programme can also be included as part of our functional restoration programme, […]

Diagnostics, Minor surgery, Injections, Pain Management

MRI, X-ray and ultrasound scans arranged quickly and efficiently across the UK either as a stand-alone service or to complete a set of investigations and recommendations. Form Health can facilitate these on receipt of a clinical referral or can arrange the appropriate initial referral from a recommendation. Consultants are carefully vetted and the client is […]

Work Capacity Evaluations

An assessment for individuals who are experiencing physical difficulties in undertaking their roles. Usedto identify and quantify those areas of the job which are causing these difficulties, and recommend,where appropriate, the most effective ways to overcome them from both a vocational and rehabilitationperspective.

Occupational Health Physician and Independent Medical Assessments

Assessor talking to patient

Form Health operates a nationwide accredited network of Occupational Health Physician and Independent Medical Examiners across many different specialities and we’d be happy to facilitate assessment provision via these. In addition to this, we have an in-house Company Medical Officer, Shane Farrelly. Shane has 25 years’ experience in International Occupational Medicine and is an expert in rehabilitating […]

Pre-employment Screenings

Pre-employment medical screening to provide a baseline of the prospective employee’s health prior to them starting in the company. Designed to ensure the employee is fit for specific work and, where appropriate, detailing any reasonable adjustments that require implementation prior to their engagement.

Immediate Needs Assessment

An in-depth assessment for individuals who have been involved in serious injuries, detailing their requirements from both a medical and vocational perspective. Designed to successfully assist, support and rehabilitate the employee in their change of circumstances.

Mental Health Assessments

A screening assessment conducted by Chartered Occupational Psychologists to determine whether there an individual may be impacted by a mental health condition and recommend the appropriate course of action.

Dyslexia and Dyspraxia Assessments

Conducted by a Registered Practitioner Psychologist/Chartered Occupational Health Psychologist to determine whether an individual has either of these conditions and provide practical recommendations on how any challenges identified may be managed in the workplace.

Job Demands Analysis (JDA)

A detailed assessment of the demands of a particular role that an individual is required to perform in the workplace. The results of this assessment can then be compared to the employee’s current functional capabilities as part of a claims assessment or return to work facilitation.